Piss boy, Piss rat, Piss recorder and Piss scientist

During the F**kface era Andrew told a story about seeing a woman peeing outside his window he was later dubbed Piss boy. On the first episode of the Regulation podcast Gavin offers to wipe the pee from Andrews record. Andrew would be happy with this but as he puts it, he was dubbed Piss boy not of his choosing. (You don’t pick a nickname, it is given.) Later Gavin laughs at having seen Andrew aka piss boy in the movie Furiosa. Andrew brings up that in the first episode he was redeemed as piss boy but the guys vaguely remember and so Andrew is still piss boy. Geoff then brings up that they have piss rat as well. To which Gavin brings up that Geoff was recording his pees so they also have piss recorder. Geoff had been known to record his pees because during the F**kface era, he would record his farts while on the toilet. However sometimes on the toilet instead of getting a fart he would end up peeing. This was discovered during the supplemental in the F**kface era. The guys were messing around with a would be hearing aid and Gavin asked if anyone had a fart ready. Geoff said he’d load one of his recorded farts but kept getting piss recordings. Geoffs piss recordings would eventually lead him to the lab to create his Golden waterfall which he revealed in the first episode. During their first stream as The Regulation Podcast, Eric went to the bathroom during which the viewers dubbed him the Piss rat. Eric being notoriously ‘the rat guy’ and the fans love of Piss boy they came up with Piss rat. During the podcast Gavin brings up that Nicks edit of the recording of their first live stream is missing the origins of Piss rat. He suggests that they release a supplemental with it in. (Please do.) While Gavin is away his cat uses his office as its new litter box and soaks the carpet through with piss. Then after several cleaning attempts Geoff asks Gavin if his cat is still peeing in there or if he’s still cleaning the original offence. Gavin says he has no idea and would need a ‘Piss scientist’. Gavin asks if Andrew is free but Andrew claims he didn’t go to college and get a piss degree. Gavin then states that they need to figure out who Piss scientist is. Not long afterwards Gavin starts a podcast by sending a picture of himself to the guys where it looks like he’s peed his shorts. Right before the start he states he ‘spilled water on himself’. Gavin accepts the mantle of Piss boy for one episode but right before the episode ends Andrew claims it back. Andrew tells the story of when he went to pee in the middle of the night and realised that the lid was down. As he lifted the lid he discovered that he had left his ipad on the toilet lid and not just peed on the toilet lid but his ipad.

First mention of Piss boy: S1. E1. TIME: 00:50:09 Episode link

Furiosa Piss boy / Piss rat and Piss recorder: S1. E6. TIME: 00:27:16 Episode link

The guys discover Geoffs piss recordings: Does it do? Magic Ear supplemental: TIME 00:05:50 Supplemental link

Geoff reveals his Golden waterfall: S1. E1. TIME: 00:05:15 Episode link

Gavin notes that there is no recorded origin of Piss rat: S1. E18. TIME: 01:02:20 Episode link

Gavin asks for a piss scientist: S1. E20. TIME: 00:57:09 Episode link

Gavin takes the mantle of Piss boy for an episode: S1. E23. TIME: 00:02:42 Episode link

Andrew reclaims Piss boy by peeing on his toilet lid with his ipad: S1. E23. TIME: 01:04:02 Episode link


Fear Venn Diagram


Eric hates blood pressure tests