Zombie song haunts Geoffs walk

As Geoff goes for a walk one day he realises that he’s forgotten his headphones but before he turns around he hears Zombie by The Cranberries playing loudly from a cyclist with a speaker. Before long he’s been listening to it for a little while and is too far away to bother going back for his headphones. Soon Geoff realises that he can still hear Zombie playing somewhere in the distance even though the song should have ended ages ago. Every now and then Geoff starts hearing it again and would change up his walk to get away from it so even he doesn’t know where he’s going. Even when he got away from it, a few minutes later he would start to hear it again. For 45 minutes this song stalked Geoff on his walk.

First mention: S1. E12. TIME: 00:28:50 Episode link


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