Gavin is a Lawn guy

One day Gavin drops that he wants to become a Lawn guy. He thinks it would be satisfying to maintain and mow his lawn with his own hands. So he fires his Lawn guy of about 9 years and replaces them with himself. His first time mowing he got ridiculously hot, so he asks the guys on cooling ideas. The guys come at him with several ideas like a frozen hat or a dripping wet hat. Eric suggests a solar powered fan hat for him. Geoff suggests that he help Gavin mow by following him with a garden hose. Geoff suggests ice packs. Andrews discovers ice block vests for Gavin. Eric suggests a Roomba lawnmower but Gavin wants the satisfaction of doing it himself not having someone or something doing it for him. Geoff pitches a fishnet shirt. Later Gavin becomes concerned because his lawn clippings have gone moldy. A few weeks go by and Gavin has a new lawn problem. Dogs keep shitting on his lawn now that it is well maintained and looks nice. He questions if trespassing is still a thing if you’re dog is shitting somewhere? After Gavins lawn clippings went moldy he decided to mow without a catcher and leave the clippings on his yard. This summons millions of gnats to his yard and some dragonflys trying to eat the gnats. Geoff equates this to when he was in Panama in the army and the bugs were so thick you could part them with your hands.

First mention: S1. E5. TIME: 01:01:21 Episode link

Gavin need cooling help: S1. E6. TIME: 00:17:29 Episode link

Gavins lawn clippings go moldy: S1. E9. TIME: 00:57:20 Episode link

Dogs keep shitting on Gavins lawn: S1. E11. TIME: 01:04:40 Episode link

Gavin has a yard full of gnats and dragonflys: S1. E13. TIME: 00:47:11 Episode link

Solar powered fan hat.

Ice block vest.


Gavins backyard shave


Andrews desk clamp